Battledome Ladder/Tournament
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Ladder Rankings
Ladder Info
Tournament Info

Ladder Rankings  

The ladder has not started yet.  If you want to be on the ladder, then neomail videogameaholic.

Ladder Info  
When we get 16 people who want to be on the ladder, we will start giving away prizes.  Here is how the ladder works.  At first, assume the ladder looks like this.

1.    A
2.    B
3.    C
4.    D
5.    E
6.    F
7.    G
...and so on...

I like ladders because they put more emphasis on 'upsets'.  What that means is if the person higher on the ladder wins (which is to be expected since they are "better"), then the ladder stays the same.  However, if the person lower wins then it is considered an 'upset' and the winner climbs up half the spots between the two players.  For instance, if 'A' beat 'G' nothing would happen, but if 'G' beat 'A' then 'G' would claim the no. 4 spot and the ladder would look like this:

1.    A
2.    B
3.    C
4.    G
5.    D
6.    E
7.    F

Here the complicated math behind it:  (winners rank-losers rank)/2 then subtract that number from the winners rank and you get  7-1=6  6/2=3  7-3=4  If you get a decimal then you round up:  4-1=3  3/2=1.5  4-1.5=2.5 which puts you in third.
NOTE:  Nothing happens to 'A' so there is no penalty for a higher ranking person losing to a much lower person.

If the winner is within three spots of the loser, then the winner takes the spot of the loser and the loser is bumped down one.  For instance, if 'C' beats 'A' then 'C' would become first and 'A' would be bumped down to second.  That would make it look like this:

1.    C
2.    A
3.    B
4.    G
5.    D
6.    E
7.    F

Therefore, the only way the person in first can lose his/her position is to lose to someone in second or third.  Prizes will be given to the person at the top periodically (weekly, monthly, etc.) and their name will be posted on the front guild page for everyone to admire!

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Tournament Info  
The first tournament will start when we have 16 people on the ladder.  The tournament will follow the ladder postions at the time the tournament is started (i.e. the person ranked first on the ladder will battle the second ranked, and the winner of that match will battle the winner of the match between third and fourth).  It will be a single elimination tournament, but if you lose a tournament match you can still play ladder matches.  Whoever is running the ladder/tournament will post who is to battle whom.  If I were to run it, then they would only be updated weekly.  If you are on neopets daily, have a website, and want to run the ladder/tournament you should neomail videogameaholic.

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The rules of the ladder/tournament include, but are not limited to the following:
1.    The ladder is always open.  That means if you lose a tournament match then you are out of the tournament, but you can still play ladder matches.
2.    You must make sure that both parties and the person running the ladder/tournament know if it is a ladder match or a tournament match BEFORE the match is played.
3.    Both parties must agree on a time and place for the match and they must tell the person running the ladder/tournament as well.
4.    If you are at the top of the ladder, you cannot refuse a ladder match challenge from another person on the ladder.
5.    The LOSER of the match MUST report the loss to whomever is running the ladder/tournament within 24 hours of the match.  No one else can report a loss.
6.    I should not even have to say this but each user may only have one account in the ladder/tournament at a time.

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I know this might be a little confusing at first, but hopefully you will understand once it has begun.  If you have any further questions about anything concerning the ladder/tournament or the guild itself neomail videogameaholic.