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Neopet Game Help
Learn from the master of all games.  One thing that applies to all games is if you don't play you can't win, so play as much as possible.  I am adding to this section all the time so come back soon!  If you have tips of your own, let me know here

My biggest tip I can ever give you is don't spend money.  I know that makes me sound cheap, but with the omelette and healing springs there is no need to buy anything.  Save your money for what you really want.

Meerca Chase
Bumper Cars
Wheel of Excitement/Snowager
Kiko Match
Haunted House
Fairyland Crossword
Brain Tree Answers
Cooking Pot
Lenny Trivia
Poogle Solitaire
Hot Wheels®  Micro Racers
Scarab 21
Coltzan's Shrine
Escape from Meridell Castle
Faerie Caves


1. Turn down quests from the Earth Faerie! She'll only make your pets bloated, and she asks for expensive items. Also, quests from the Faerie Queen can be very expensive, so I suggest you turn down her quests too.

2. Save up your NP in the bank! Rather than spending it on rare items, save up your NeoPoints 'till you have 15,000NP in your bank account. Then, you'll start earning NP as interest. Keep saving up and watch your NP grow!!

3. Play Games!! Lots of the games on Neopets offer NeoPoints for playing/winning. So the games are fun/quick ways to earn some NP.

4. A good stock market tip, is when you get 4,000 NP go to the stock market and click on bargains and then find a stock that opened at 6 and is currently at 4. Buy 1000 shares of that and wait for it to go back up to 6 and you can make a profit of 2,000 NP. Just like that!

5. Join Neopets Sponsors! This may not sound like the funnest thing in the world. But when your just starting Neopets, and need some money. This is the way to go. You can make up to 4,000 neopoints, just for filling out some simple forms. Go to Neopets here, for more information about joining Neopets sponsors: http://www.neopets.com/cooloffers.phtml

6. Can't make money in your shop? Your prices could be way to high/low. In this case, you should check the shop wizard for prices. And the more things you put in your shop at once, the more people will buy when they see it.

7. If you don't have a lot of neopoints, and your pet is hungry, go to the "Soup Kitchen" where you can fill your pet/pets full of food, for no cost at all: http://www.neopets.com/soupkitchen.phtml

8. After you finished playing games and earning NPs for the day, before you spend it, why not go deposit half the value you have earned that day, and use the rest to spend on stuff. Soon, your bank account will be full of neopoints. As long as you keep Repeating the cycle, saving half of all your neopoints.

9. Try not to buy very much from the Main shops as they are usually overpriced. If you are going to buy from them check in the shop wizard as you may find a better deal

10. Don't use cheat programs. Cheat programs are against the rules & it will just get your account disabled.